End of Year Reflection
As this year draws to a close, I want to take a moment to celebrate YOU. Why you ask? Because you have done incredible things throughout this past year. Big things, little things, hard things, easy things, surprising things, and things that have led you to being the amazing person that you are in this moment now. I’m proud of you and have truly enjoyed being part of your journey throughout the past year. And you should be proud of you too!
To help you tune into and recognize your success, I’d encourage you to look over these journal prompts and consider them. If you do nothing else, I invite you to identify 2-3 things that you did well this year or that you’re proud of – doesn’t matter if they are big or small. They are all an important part of our journey and they’re all worth celebrating. Happy New Year!
Step #1 — Celebrating 2022
What went well in the past year? List your victories big and small!
What activities made you feel the most fulfilled? Why?
What are you the most proud of over the past year?
What are you the most grateful for?
Step #2 — Reflecting On 2022
During the more challenging times in 2022, how did you show up?
What can you release to move forward (ex. an old limiting belief, a job, a relationship, a situation, a pattern, a painful memory, resentment, hurt, or a behavior)?
What is something that you’d like to shift or stop doing?
What is a lesson you have learned?
Step #3 — Create Your Dreams In 2023
What are 3 words that best describe how you want to feel in 2023 (ex. strong, connected, calm, present, healthy, grounded, expansive)?
What is a hobby that you would like to explore or make time for?
What does your ideal day look like?
Step #4 — Set Your 2023 Affirmations
Now identify 3 powerful statements that you will write out and stick around your house/on your phone as reminders. Try to use positive language and set the affirmations in the present tense.
I am exactly where I’m meant to be.
Every day is a new opportunity to make a change
It is safe to identify and express my wants, needs, and desires.
I choose to discover and create my own happiness and joy.
Step #5 — Write A Letter to Your Future Self
Share insights, encouragement, love, and anything else you would want your future self to know. When you finish your letter, sign your name, put it in an envelope, seal it, write your name on it, and put it somewhere you won’t lose it, so you can read it in one year. The opportunity to look back and read your letter each year is a wonderful, enlightening tradition!